Chiropractic Adjustment
A chiropractic adjustment is a non-invasive treatment that is intended to restore motion to a restricted joint. When joints are restricted and painful, muscles can also become tight and sore. It can also result in compensation by other muscles and joints and create further problems. An adjustment works to decrease pain, muscle tightness, and restore range of motion.

Soft Tissue Release
With injury or repetitive use, adhesions develop within the soft tissues of the body (muscle, tendon, and fascia). These adhesions cause inhibited function of the muscle and also often cause pain. Soft tissue release is another manual technique used by the chiropractor to reduce muscle tightness and soreness by releasing adhesions in muscle, tendon, and fascia so that these structures can move with less friction and therefore less pain and restriction.

Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine solid needles at relevant points on the body which may include hands, feet, and scalp in addition to points closer to the area of complaint. Treatment may also include manual or electrical needle stimulation. Acupuncture works by stimulating receptors in skin and muscle that modulate the activity of the nervous system. Various chemicals are released that cause an increase of local blood flow and encourage tissue healing.